Effective Weight Loss Achieved By Eating Every Two Hours

Perhaps one of the most longed for health benefit nowadays is a weight loss diet that works! Exercise alone without the proper eating regimen is not enough to guarantee to shed off pounds that so many desire. Eating right is definitely one of the most suggested program to those who are serious about losing weight. Eating right entails proper nutrition and skipping meals or just having a hefty breakfast wil curtail gaining weight. Even eating six hours after a meal will not help burn fat.

The body needs the energy not just to help accomplish daily activities but also aid in breathing and digestion. Nutritionist Pooia Makhia 'Let's Talk' workshop explains

Why eating every two hours aids losing weight.

She explains that when you don't eat for a while, like having a five to six hours interval until the next meal, the body gets tired because the fuel it requires is not provided. When you don't eat for a long time, the glucose level of the blood starts to plummet and when you follow it up with a meal after a while, a sudden increase in blood glucose happens. When that happens , the body produces hormonal excess of insulin to catalyze the glucose, The excess of insulin makes the body store more fat and makes all the effort of losing weight a failure.

.Eating every two hours provides the body just the right amount of energy it needs to help accomplish all activities in a day. The body's metabolic rate gets streamlines and fluctuation of blood glucose levels does not take place hence fat preventing the body from storing fat.

Eating every two hours also helps the stomach feel fuller and curbs cravings and hunger throughout the day. However the food of choice plays a key role in this regfimen. The choice of food munched every two hours should also be balanced and nutritious.

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