4 Tips To Free Up Space on Your iPhone

Although iPhones come in a variety of memory capabilities, many users know the pain of not having enough free space to add more apps, photos, and whatnot to their smartphones.

Luckily, there are several - quick and easy - ways to fix this problem, thanks to Entrepreneur. Here are four tips on what you can delete to free up more space.

Warning though: you might have to sacrifice a huge chunk of your data - like photos, and apps - in order to get the free space.

1. Memory-Hoarding Apps

You have to admit, there are several apps on your phone that you don't use on a regular basis. The trick here is to find the apps that take up the most space and actually delete them. If you use a specific app more often than others and can't really bear to sacrifice it, look through the other apps that you only occasionally use and delete those.

To find out which apps take up the most space, go to the Settings menu, then head to General. From there, select the Storage Usage where you'll easily be able to view your used and available space. Select Manage Storage and you can view how much space each app takes up.

2. Delete Photos and Other Unnecessary Stuff

You don't have to say goodbye to all your photos forever. Manually delete images straight on your iPhone or by connecting them to your laptop and deleting it from there.

If you want to keep your photos, you can always copy them to your computer before deleting all the photos in your phone that you don't need.

When using a Mac, you can launch Image Capture and choose which photos to save and delete from there. Holding down the Command key will help you quickly select multiple photos at once.

Other unnecessary stuff includes videos, movies, books, text messages, voicemails, reminders, contacts, and recent calls you in your history log. There's no point in hoarding stuff on your phone that you don't have any use for anymore.

3. Turn Off App Notifications

As it turns out, app notifications take up data and battery life off your iPhone too. Select which apps you life-threateningly need notifications for, and deselect the rest.

Go to Settings, then select Notifications. From there, you can select which apps to disable notifications for. You can also select the on/off toggle next to Allow Notifications to turn off notifications for that specific app.

4. Clean Your Safari

This is probably the easiest one to do on this whole list. Clear your cookies and data from the browser cache, not to mention your browsing history. You have no idea how much memory this takes up, and deleting them will give you a surprising amount of free space!

Go to Settings, and scroll down until you can select Safari. From there, go to the very bottom and select Advanced. Tap on Website Data and scroll down again and select Remove All Website Data and voila!

As for clearing your browsing history, just follow the same steps: Settings > Safari > Clear History. You can also select Clear Cookies and Data while you're in that window too.

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