'Gluten Free Diet': Studies Reveal That Going Gluten Free Boosts Brain Power

Gluten Free diet is currently sparking a debate on the nutrition world as some health experts claimed that gluten free diet is just a fad and has no nutritional benefits. Some experts stated that it is only intended for individuals who are diagnosed with Non-Celiac Gluten Sensitivity, where in the body reacts negatively to glutinous food which can damage the intestine.

As per Bistro MD, going for a gluten free diet may help with weight loss, most especially if it is a well-balanced diet. The website then added that if one would go for a gluten free diet, it is important to read the labels as most food products would label their packages as gluten free, but it is often not.

As per Daily Mail however, a study on gluten titled 'going Gluten Free' is the largest study conducted by Aberdeen University's Rowett Institute of Nutrition and Health in the UK. The website then added that the studies were able to come into conclusion that it reduces bloating. It was then stated that 'gluten free diet' also boosts concentration and helps the individual think more clearly.

A doctor form he Rowett Institute of Nutrition and Health, Dr Alexandra Johnstone stated that:

''It was interesting to discover that a gluten-free diet improves feelings of fatigue, with participants reporting much higher energy levels during the gluten-free period of the study. The fact that they were able to start tasks quicker, concentrate better and think clearer during this time, and felt the need to rest less, all point towards the idea that sensitivity to gluten does exist for some individuals who don't have coeliac disease. It was equally interesting to see that none of the participants gained any weight while going gluten-free, in fact our participant's diets improved through increased fibre and vegetable consumption, and reduced salt intake. The next step for us now is to uncover how all of this is reflected in the gut - the main organ affected by coeliac disease.''

Aside from the benefits stated above, the website then said that going gluten free helps reduce fatigue and continually increase energy levels.

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