8 Foods to Beat Holiday Bloat and Flatten Your Belly

It's the most wonderful time of the year, the perfect time to attend countless dinners with friends and families. However, this is also the season when over stuffing your stomach will make you constipated and bloated.

The health website Prevention, lists down 10 foods and drinks that will flatten your belly fast.

1. Peppermint
Sipping on peppermint tea or taking a peppermint supplement an hour before you go out can do wonders to your tummy, says Tamara Duker Freuman, RD, a New York-based nutritionist who specializes in digestive disorders. "Peppermint is an anti-spasmodic. It calms down the entire digestive tract and allows gas to pass," she says.

2. Instant Oatmeal
"Oatmeal is a terrific source of soluble fiber to keep bowels regular," says Freuman. That is why packing a couple of instant oatmeal is the best alternative to grabbing your favorite dessert leftover in the morning.

3. Parsley
Since parsley is a natural diuretic, it helps eliminate the body's excess fluids, as well as provides bone-building vitamin K and immune-boosting vitamin C. Chop it up into salads or add it to your green smoothie for a belly-bloat fix.

4. Fennel
Known as an age-old remedy for tummy gas and bloating, fennel is a digestive stimulant that helps in speeding up the process of digestion. According to the article, it can also increase bile production in the gut to help break down foods.

5. Banana
The potassium in banana is useful in getting rid of excess water and sodium in the body.

6. Yogurt
Yogurt is rich in probiotics that are beneficial to your digestive health. Freuman suggests, "Look for a brand with live and active cultures, and avoid flavored varieties filled with sugar and sugar substitutes."

7. Water
Hydrating the body can help you sweat thus excreting excess water in your body as Freuman explains, "When there's not enough fluid in the body, sodium causes retention so that you hold on to the fluid you have."

8. Ginger
A little sip on ginger tea can do wonders in aiding digestion and can actually relax digestive tract muscles.

Take note of these eight things to help you not only during the holidays but on regular days as well, to ensure you don't feel bloated and constipated.

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