'Weird Treats' From Around the World That Would Definitely Splatter Your Mind All Over The Wall!

From around the world, almost every country offers some "weird treats" in food. Get to know some of this "delicious but unconventional" food in the market.

Come join me as I bring to you the eeriest eerie of all eeries!

Fried Tarantulas - Do you have the guts to even look at it while being eaten by others? This is Cambodia's favorite snack, the tarantulas are fried and can be eaten either whole or without the legs.

Fried Guinea Pig - It is a South American dish that is known locally as Cuy. It can be cooked and served in a stick or with fries as its side dish.

Balut - It is a tasty snack mostly eaten in the Philippines. It is actually a boiled fertilized egg of a duck.

Beef Brains - Brains? Just by hearing the magic word 'brain' makes a person curious about this food. Egg is usually added and mixed with this "brainy" breakfast food. It is served in Europe, Indonesia, Morocco, Pakistan and the United States.

Tuna Fish Eyes - A Japanese delicacy, in which, tuna eyes are sautéed with garlic and soy sauce.

Witchetty Grub - Basically a moth's larva. It is said that their taste is similar to that of a scrambled egg.

Ant Eggs and Worms - Mexico's restaurants have been serving these bugs for more than a hundred years.

Bird Nest Soup -It is a Chinese delicacy made of bird's saliva and it's quite expensive.

Marzu Cheese - This Sardinian cheese is made from sheep's milk. The cheese will not be ready for consumption until its decomposing.

Bull's Testicles - This American Midwest delicacy is also known as "Prairie Oysters". The testicles are usually fried but some prefer them covered in chocolate. It has a reputation for being an aphrodisiac.

Grasshoppers, Ants and Other Insects - These foods keep the people, livestock, and pets of Laos healthy and full.

Crickets, Worms and Grasshoppers - The people of Thailand do not need any sweets with these kinds of snacks around.

Cat dung Coffee Beans - Despite being excreted by a cat, these coffee beans are actually prize by coffee beans aficionados and gourmets.

Boiled Sheep Heads - South Africa, Iraq, Kazakhstan and even Iceland enjoyed this food.

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