Softcard Name Change: From Wallet App Isis To Avoid Islamic Associations

Softcard Name Change - due to the events with the Islamic group Isis and not to have any sort of associations made by the clients.

Lately, there have been several problems with associations of different brands and with patents, as well. Yesterday, Hershey's logo was mistaken, ALS had the patenting issues with the Ice Bucket Challenge and now, the Isis Wallet App changes its name to Softcard to avoid confusions.

This company started last year and it is a mobile application that takes care of doing all the financial work, including taxes, payments, and managing a budget all in the palm of the hand, meaning in the phone. It is growing rapidly and having success among the clients.

It seems that in order to maintain this success, they have decided to the rebranding and name change to Softcard. When a person enters their webpage, the first thing that appears is a post that states: "In a few weeks, Isis Wallet will become Softcard."

The reason for doing the name change into Softcard is pretty obvious. Lately, the issues affronted by the Islamic group ISIS have been several and they are being discussed all the time as people who in the past were Al-Qaeda, then supposedly were captured and from 2011 have been getting stronger.

There have even been arguments as towards ISIS would determine a threat for USA or not. In simple terms, they are not exactly the favorite subject either to talk about or to remember in USA. Due to that fact, it would be a valid point that the brand wouldn't want to be associated in any way.

Still, the name change into Softcard is not necessary from the point of view that it is a Wallet Application and it has nothing to do with war of confrontations itself, so it's not sure people even related at all the brand in any way. But, better prevent than cure later.

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