Star Wars: The Force Awakens to Bank in Most Movie Tie-in Merch

The latest instalment to the George Lucas' epic series, "Star Wars: The Force Awakens" by film studio giant Disney is already a hit not only with its ticket pre-sales but also in stores worldwide.

In a report by New York Post, the much-awaited film slated to be out in theatres this winter is onto selling more tie-in goods than any single previous film- ever.

The well-loved sci-fi franchise has been known with toy light sabers, action figures, apparel, and tie-ins on fast food kid's meal- Star Wars enthusiasts and parents go for these merchandise like hungry wolves while tie-in product manufacturers hear more 'kaching' in their cash registers. This time, they are expanding on a wider reach of retailers in categories such as cosmetics, accessories, jewelries, and many more in all genders and age groups.

According to Glenn Demby, editor of The Licensing Letter, Disney would likely pull in about '$500 million, commanding a 20 percent royalty from its licensing partners, or double the average royalty for an entertainment property. "Disney is marketing this so differently, rolling out the promotions 90 days ahead of the release compared with the typical 30-day rollout of a movie," Demby said.

CoverGirl, a famous makeup brand in the US is currently marketing 10 limited-edition mascaras and six lipsticks called the Star Wars Collection with the tagline: "light side or dark side- which side are you on?" According to one of the company's reps, products, which cost between $6 and $8 could become a collectible.

With this massive marketing thrust, analysts expect merchandise sales to reach a whopping $5 billion in the first year of the movie's release. "It's very rare to have any theme that fuses so many different consumers that it speaks to someone who wants action figures and someone who wants mascara," said Nomura retail analyst, Simeon Siegel.

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