Good Sleeping Positions For A Happy Morning

Finding a good sleeping position can be a struggle to many. Steven Park, MD, author of "Sleep, Interrupted" and clinical assistant professor of otolaryngology at New York Medical College explained that fatigue, sleep apnea, headaches, heartburn, and back pain are some of the complaints that can be aggravated by improper sleep posture and a bad night's sleep.

Likewise, WebMD reported the link between getting the best position and having quality sleep - emphasizing that sleep postures can affect your quality of sleep as well as your overall well-being. Having that in mind, the following are believed to be the best positions that can surely take you to dreamland.

Finding the Right Sleep Position
Snoring while sleeping? Do you have sleep apnea? Well, sleeping on your side, preferably on your left, is highly recommended as it helps keep your airways open and relieve heartburn symptoms. This position is also best during pregnancy as it tends to improve circulation to the heart -- good for mom and baby.

If you sleep on you back, always put your arms down or cross them over your tummy for a much less stressful position. If you sleep on your back with your arms over your head, you are putting an undue amount of strain on the nerves that exit out of your neck into your arms. This position will often result in shoulder pain and arm aching or numbness.

Many experts have already figured out that the best sleeping position is sleeping on your back as it evenly distributes weight throughout your body and avoids unnatural or unnecessary curves in the spine. Using a small pillow underneath the head and neck (not shoulders) keeps everything in alignment.

On the other hand, sleeping on your stomach is the one to strongly avoid as it doesn't support spine alignment - putting pressure on your joints. And since you can't breathe through your pillow, your head is compelled to move on the side, twisting your neck.

You may want to experiment with different positions, but Dr. Park advises against "switching from your natural inclination unless there's a health condition that calls for it."

When you finally found the most comfortable sleeping position, you can exclaim, "I had a good night's sleep - feeling rested, full of energy, and happy."

Food World News recently featured some sleeping hacks that can cradle you to sleep.

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