Superman's Real Weakness? The Ice Bucket Challenge!

Henry Cavil, together with Amy Adams accepted the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge and apparently, even Superman do freeze. The two accepted the challenge on the set of their upcoming movie, Batman vs. Superman.

Cavil wore his revised costume during the challenge. At first he looks very confident that he can take one the challenge without feeling the "freeze." But as the buckets keep coming, you can see in the video that even his uniform cannot shield him from the cold. Cavil was nominated a couple of times. To be able to response to all the nominations that he got, at least six buckets of water was dumped on the actor. The crew even thoughtfully arranged the size of the buckets - starting from the smallest one and ending it with the biggest bucket. At the end of the challenge, Cavil said, "It's so cold."

Their co-starts in the movie, Ben Affleck and Gal Gadot, had already taken the challenge. Isn't it nice to see that all of them in costume are doing the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge? Amy Adams nominated all of her siblings to do the Ice Bucket Challenge.

Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice

Directed by Zack Snyder, the movie Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice, is the sequel for the movie The Man of Steel. The case includes Henry Cavil, Ben Affleck, Gal Gaddot, Amy Adams, Laurence Fishburne, Diane Lane, Jesse Eisenberg, Jeremy Irons, and Holly Hunter.

Affleck said that he was hesitant to accept the role because he felt like he "didn't fit the traditional mold." Gaddot on the other hand, has been preparing for the movie and is training very hard to make sure that she could achieve the standards that the role demands from her.

The movie is set to be released on March 2016.

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