Justin Bieber Turns His L.A. Concert Into A Megachurch Service

Justin Bieber is crediting his success following the release of his new album Purpose to his mighty Creator.

Christian Today reports the What Do You Mean singer turned his concert into a huge church service in Staples Center in Los Angeles, California.

Riding his skateboard at the start of the show, Bieber settled at the center of the arena and sang acoustic versions of his old and new hits. "Between the skateboarding and the singing, though, Bieber sat on a stool next to Judah Smith, the man described as his pastor, and more or less preached," wrote Mikael Wood in his L.A. Times review.

"He talked about the importance of maintaining a positive spirit and surrounding himself with encouraging people," Wood continued. "He credited his connection with God for helping him to get back on his feet after a string of widely publicised tabloid troubles."

Bieber also got into a more personal interaction with his fans. "Asked if he had any advice on how to get through a romantic breakup, he demurred, flashing a bit of the humility that every religious leader knows is crucial in establishing a bond with one's flock," Wood wrote.

Bieber admitted he wasn't really good at relationship counseling saying he himself wasn't able to "keep a relationship going." The 21-year-old pop star was most-likely referring to his much-publicized on and off relationship with Selena Gomez.

His regrets were even reflected in his new song, Sorry.

On a positive note, Wood also sang praises for his moving lyrics in I'll Show You, Life Is Worth Living, and Children.

"As transparent an image-rehab attempt as any in pop history, 'Purpose' finds the singer apologising for his supposed misdeeds," Wood reviewed. "In 'I'll Show You,' for instance, he's acknowledging that he's not perfect while angrily pointing out that perfection is an unreasonable demand."

Justin Bieber is currently the no.1 artist on the Billboard Artist 100 chart along with his no.1 album, Purpose.

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