‘Captain America Civil War’ Trailer: Bucky Barnes Apparently Responsible For Rift Between Steve Rogers And Iron Man! [VIDEO]

After months of rumors and exciting casting news, the first ever "Captain America: Civil War" trailer is finally here, and it's packed up with all the action fans expect of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, including the first glimpse of how things will go down when the fight between Steve Rogers/Captain America (Chris Evans) and Tony Stark/Iron Man (Robert Downey Jr.) goes down.

In the last Cap movie, "Winter Soldier," Bucky Barnes/Winter Soldier (Sebastian Stan) goes missing from the Avengers and the forces of SHIELD, though as shown in the post-credits scene in "Ant-Man," it became clear that he was ultimately found, which Tony Stark wouldn't be too happy about, and we get a new glimpse of that in the new "Captain America: Civil War" trailer.

According to The Verge, the new "Captain America: Civil War" trailer shows the Star-Spangled Avenger attempting to reprogram Bucky from his days in HYDRA and fighting with the Soviet Union, but that doesn't bode well with the rest of the superhero team, with Tony being particularly against the idea.

As Forbes reports, the "Captain America: Civil War" trailer features some of the film's biggest stars, and although the protagonist remains Evans, he's also being accompanied by not only Downey but also Scarlett Johansson (reprising her longtime role as Black Widow), War Machine (Don Cheadle), Anthony Mackie (Falcon) and a small glimpse of what Chadwick Boseman's Black Panter will look like in the upcoming pseudo-Avengers film.

According to Inquirer.net, there's still some powerful dialogue in the "Captain America: Civil War" trailer, as the two opposing superheroes discuss how Rogers won't be giving Bucky away despite all his war crimes, telling Iron Man that he wouldn't do it if he had any other choice, but Bucky was his friend and he tried to protect him - to which Iron Man replies that he was his friend, too.

Check out the "Captain America: Civil War" trailer below, finally - though no word on Spidey just yet!

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