Scott Yeun And Scott Gimple Speak Up About Glenn's Fate In 'The Walking Dead' Episode 'Heads Up'


Glenn fans can finally rejoice, as the first few minutes of the seventh episode of 'The Walking Dead' confirmed what everyone was thinking: He crawled under that dumpster. And nobody is happier that the secret is out than actor Steven Yeun.

"I feel relieved, I feel very grateful, and I feel so amazed at the response," Yeun told 'Talking Dead.' "I feel bad that I couldn't say anything to [anyone, including] family and friends. I'm pretty sure I lost a few friendships along the way."

Suffice to say, it was difficult for Steven Yeun to stay out of sight during his character's hiatus. "I have not been out much," he laughed. "I frequent a lot of take-out and my apartment looks like a hoarder's house."

Hiding under the dumpster wasn't easy for him either. "I'm claustrophobic," Yeun said. "That was an interesting time."

Nevertheless, Steven Yeun is proud of his character's will to survive. "I think it proves that this world still can have that story of the good guy winning sometimes," he said.

'The Walking Dead' executive producer Scott Gimple also admitted to 'Talking Dead' that the show decided to keep Glenn's fate a mystery to reel the viewers in on how the characters felt.

"The story we were telling was one of uncertainty," Gimple said. "When people leave the walls of Alexandria, they don't have cell phones. They aren't ricking '80s beepers. You don't know what happens. I felt it was important... that the audience would share that uncertainty that the characters had."

Scott Gimple mentioned Lauren Cohan's character, who is married to Glenn and was most anxious of her husband's fate.

"Maggie didn't know what happened to Glenn," he said. "I wanted the audience to be exactly where she was."

Find out if Glenn and Maggie will finally be reunited when the mid-season finale 'Start to Finish' airs on AMC on November 29.

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