Game of Thrones Season 6 Buzz: Spoiler Alert, New Cast Member, and Jon Snow's Ressurection Forecast

Actor Ian Mac Shane will be joining the cast of the upcoming Game of Thrones Season 6, spilling in an interview that he is "responsible for bringing somebody back that you think you're never going to see again."

On the finale of Game of Thrones 5th Season by George R.R. Martins, viewers witnessed Winterfell's John Snow being brutally murdered by members of the Night's Watch after the claims he gave out to defeat the dead.

We recall Jon Snow's memorable quote, "the Long Night's coming and the dead come with it. No clan can stop them. The Free Folk can't stop them, the Night's Watch can't stop them and all the southern kings can't stop them, only together, all of us. And even then it may not be enough, at least we give these f****rs a fight".

Melisandre, the priestess of R'hllor, gave out clues as to Jon Snow's resurrection. She tells about Jon Snow's death before it took place, quoting in the book: "This is my place as it is yours, and soon enough you may have grave need of me. Do not refuse my friendship, Jon. I have seen you in the storm, hard pressed, with enemies on every side."

There is no coincidence that she knew all along. The brand of magic she uses already resurrected Beric Dondarrion from the dead by Thoros of Myr, another character that revealed mythical powers in the story.

Moreover, Game of Thrones readers and enthusiast narrow down conclusions on what happens on episodes to come following the finale. The book gives us clues as to what happens but it is in the discretion of the director and screenplay writers to show what path in the story it will follow next.

The much awaited conclusion as to what will truly happen will be given out next season. The date is still tentative as to when the 6th season for the series starts in 2016.

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