It's a Lie: Common Diet Foods That Are Actually Calorie Packed

Working out on the gym overtime paired with a healthy diet is a sure fire way to lose weight. As per the Expose website, the diet part can sometimes be the culprit for weight gain. Who would have thought that one's healthy diet is the sole reason of an individual's weight gain?

One of the culprits is the well-known green salad. Just because you're eating green it does mean you're eating low calorie stuff. Packed salads are often filled with creamy sauces and fat filled contents. A serving of packed green salad normally has 702 calories and 35.5g of fat, which simply means that it is more calories packed that McDonald's Big Mac, which only contains 508 calories and 25g of fat.

One of the best options is to prepare your own salad, that way, you would be able to put it he finest ingredients. Do watch out for creamy salad dressing as they are usually packed with unwanted calories.

Another calorie packed snack is the cereal energy bars. Though they me be snacks/meals on the go, they are often packed with sugar and fat. it does not relieve hunger, which gives you the urge to grab a snack just a few moment after eating the energy bar, which gives doubles your calorie intake, might as well get a full meal rather than cereal bars.

The Kayla Itsines website then added that smoothies can be a great diet alternative, only if you made it yourself. As per the website, pre-made smoothies however are a big no-no as it can sometimes be loaded with sugar. It may be fruit or vegetable based, it is however packed with unwanted fats.

Gluten free food can also be a culprit. Though gluten free diet is said to be good for you, it does not however help you drop pounds. Gluten free bread, pasta, and even cakes doesn't contain wheat, it does however have the same calories that their non-gluten peers.

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