Jennifer Lawrence Chris Pratt: Sci-Fi Romance ‘Passengers’ Just Took J-Law’s On-Screen Virginity And Yes, It Was Crazy Awkward

A few months back, it was revealed that superstars Jennifer Lawrence and Chris Pratt would be teaming up for a new film that has been billed as "sci-fi romance," and the film made news after it was reported that the Oscar winner would be receiving a whooping $20 million salary for the movie - but now it's making news for something different altogether.

Over the past couple of years, J-Law has turned into America's sweetheart, from her goofy interviews to her nice demeanor and even her general badassery when it comes to standing up for her own rights - but that didn't help her from becoming massively nervous in her first-ever sex scene on film, between Jennifer Lawrence and Chris Pratt.

According to Entertainment Weekly, the "X-Men" actress, currently promoting the last installment of the "Hunger Games" film series, was recently part of a forum of actresses speaking on different subjects on women and Hollywood, including the gender pay gap and sex scenes - and so she shared her recent experience shooting Jennifer Lawrence and Chris Pratt's one for "Passengers."

"I got really, really drunk. But then that led to more anxiety when I got home because I was like, 'What have I done? I don't know,'" the actress shared on the Hollywood Reporter. "I knew it was my job, but I couldn't tell my stomach that. So I called my mom, and I was like, "Will you just tell me it's OK?" It was just very vulnerable. And you don't know what's too much. You want to do it real, you want everything to be real, but then ... That was the most vulnerable I've ever been."

Vulture reports that the star also discussed that, while everything was done right in the Jennifer Lawrence and Chris Pratt scene, she was uncomfortable because he's married (to Anna Faris) and she'd never kissed a married man before.

We'll have to wait a while if the actress' drunk state is noticeable in Jennifer Lawrence and Chris Pratt's sex scene!

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