Stephen Colbert And Bill Maher Kinda Hate Each Other, Judging By HBO Star’s Appearance On ‘Late Show’ [VIDEOS]

Often called two of the smartest people on television, Stephen Colbert and Bill Maher go for two fairly different brands of comedy in their respective shows, but seeing as they see eye to eye on many issues of policy (as the two are outspokenly liberal), fans would think they'd get along - but they'd be terribly mistaken.

In a recent interview on Colbert's "Late Show," the two comedy giants stood face to face speaking about some big topics, from ISIS and the recent Paris attacks religion and the presidential race - and it wasn't only that Stephen Colbert and Bill Maher disagreed, they couldn't have possibly been more tense around each other.

According to Rolling Stone Magazine, the first part of Stephen Colbert's Bill Maher interview last Tuesday saw the two men speaking about what to do next with ISIS after the Paris tragedy last Friday, with Maher stepping forward to say there needed to be a change in ideology in the region and bombing them wouldn't solve anything, to which Colbert played devil's advocate.

As Salon reports, though, things only started getting interesting (and here, "interesting" really means "awkward") during the second segment of Stephen Colbert's Bill Maher interview, as the "Real Time" HBO host, a very outspoken atheist who was raised Catholic, basically called Colbert stupid over being religious, which the man currently occupying David Letterman's former chair still managed to joke about.

As Maher referred to Colbert's beliefs as "silly stories" and "intellectually embarrassing myths from the Bronze Age," the CBS host graciously invited him "back" into Catholicism, prompting another spat as things grew increasingly uncomfortable between Stephen Colbert and Bill Maher.

According to Entertainment Weekly, the only time Colbert seemed fazed at all was when Maher accused him of "lecturing" him over coming back to Catholicism, to which the former Comedy Central host replied that it was only an invitation, comparing it to another scenario: "his guy gave me a huge lecture about going to dinner!"

Watch Stephen Colbert and Bill Maher going at it in the clips below!

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