How Red Lipstick Can Kick or Kill Your Career

What makes red lipstick one woman's super power and another woman's kryptonite? Will red lipstick kill or kick your career? An editor from New York Post took it upon herself to know the answer.

Earlier this month, "CBS This Morning" anchor Gayle King took to Instagram to share that her BFF Oprah did not approve of her bold lip colour preference. Oprah was reported saying, "Tell your makeup artist waaaay too red on the lips today." However, Gayle proudly responded to Oprah, "I did that myself."

Aliza Licht recently published her book "Leave Your Mark" which is a career guide featuring a white to-go coffee cup with a red lip stain on its book jacket. Many women have asked her if a red lipstick is appropriate for a job interview. Or should it be avoided in more conservative industries? As someone who wears red lipstick all her life, from doing mundane tasks to her wedding day, she doesn't seem to see what's wrong in wearing a bright red lip colour.

So she decided to create a survey to seek for answers. She tweeted out to her nearly 15,000 followers online. More than 460 women reportedly took it from across various professions including government work, law, banking and public relations.

Most of the women feel that it is appropriate to wear red lipstick in the workplace as it seems to project confidence. The question goes like this: Do you think that red lipstick is appropriate to wear in the workplace? Most of them answered, "Yes, people should look and dress as they see fit" which garnered 91.2 percent. While 78.8 percent answered "She's confident" to the question, "What does red lipstick say about women?" For the question, "Do you think red lipstick is appropriate to wear in an interview", 46 percent thinks it is okay. Lastly, 14.7 percent answered "Negatively" when asked if people are judged for wearing red lipstick.

On her take about Gayle's red lip? She feels that Oprah was just being lovingly old-fashioned to her friend. So what do you think? Do you feel that it will kill your career if you wear red lip colour? Let us know your thoughts by leaving your comments below.

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