Anonymous ISIS: Hacktivist Group Joins War Against Islamic State After Paris Attacks, France Will ‘Come Out Of This Atrocity Even Stronger’ [VIDEO]

Last Friday, the world watched in silent horror how one of the landmark cities in Europe (and the world) became a victim of one of the biggest coordinated attacks on the West since 9/11, and after the Islamic State claimed responsibility for the atrocious acts, Anonymous' ISIS intentions were made public.

Hacktivist collective Anonymous has in the past gone against major corporations that are seen as non-transparent, and during 2011's Arab Spring movement, they were among the key online movements that exposed day-to-day information in what happened in Tunisia, Egypt, Libya and Syria - and now, four years later, their stand on the region's politics becomes even clearer with Anonymous' ISIS declaration of war.

According to Time Magazine, Anonymous' ISIS intentions were made clear barely the day after the Paris attacks, which have already taken the lives of more than 130 civilians in the City of Light - and Anon has announced their "biggest operation" to date against the Islamic State.

"Anonymous from all over the world will hunt you down," said a man with a Guy Fawks mask in the clip, originally posted in French, according to The Mirror. ""Expect massive cyber attacks. War is declared. Get prepared. The French people are stronger than you and will come out of this atrocity even stronger."

The collective's statements follow a massive plan from the West led by France and the United States, after the European country openly declared war on the terrorist group, which in turn has lashed out that more attacks are coming.

As Fortune reports, the big deal about Anonymous' ISIS stand is that, in the past, the group has shown that they're a force to be reckoned with during times of cyberwar - something not to be dismissed in the heavily tech-savvy platform of ISIS, which has operated online for months.

You can watch Anonymous' ISIS declaration of war in the clip below.

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