Eye-opening Link Between Smartphones and Diet

Smartphones and apps have now been part of almost everyone's lifestyle. It is as if you are living under a rock these days if you don't own a smartphone. Since the progress of technology involving mobile communication, weight loss projects became involved in it as well, so that app developers started engaging their knowledge on the matter and tried to incorporate them to an app. It all looks cool and all, but according to a recent study, those weight loss apps aren't really much of a help for people who are trying to lose weight.

According to an article written by Fredericksburg.com, researchers at Duke University are finding out if using apps that are cheap to buy could improve the weight of about 35% of young adults in America. These are apparently the number of people who are struggling with being overweight and obese these days.

A lot of hope were brought to some who are using weight loss apps not just to solve their weight issues, but to also help them become fit and healthy. Unfortunately, as much as we wouldn't want to be the bearer of bad news, a recent study uncovered that the apps on smartphones that aim to make people lose weight do not help those young adults who need it.

The research was revealed through a journal called Obesity, which used 365 young adults ranging from 18 to 35. One third of these people were said to be using some app through their Android phone specifically made for the said research.

Such app didn't just monitor the calories present in their bodies but also everything involved in their weight and activities have been tracked as well. There are cool features helping to set their goals with some follow-ups and coaching session, however, it is sad to report that none of these work.

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