Viral Poem 'It Is Not Paris We Should Pray For' Sends Out A Powerful Message Across The World

A poem written by a Delhi-based blogger went viral as it sends out a strong message in response to Paris attacks that murdered 129 people on Friday and the attention it is getting.

Metro UK reports Karuna Ezara Parikh wrote her sentiment to "pray for humanity" and not just only for Paris after a series of ISIS attacks that also killed 43 people in Beirut on Thursday and 26 people in Baghdad on Friday.

"I woke this morning deeply disturbed by the news from #Paris, but more amazed by the attention it received on social media," Parikh wrote in her Facebook post. "I understand Paris is a beloved and familiar space for a lot of people, but it troubled me that #Beirut, a city my father grew up in, had received so little attention after the horrific bombings two days earlier. It also troubled me that #Baghdad, a place I have absolutely no connection with, received even less attention after the senseless bombing that took place there last week," she pointed out.

Parikh's poem below was published on Saturday and soon went viral with 205,915 shares.

It is not Paris we should pray for.

It is the world. It is a world in which Beirut,

reeling from bombings two days before Paris,

is not covered in the press.

A world in which a bomb goes off

at a funeral in Baghdad

and not one person's status update says "Baghdad",

because not one white person died in that fire.

Pray for the world

That blames a refugee crisis for a terrorist attack.

That does not pause to differentiate between the attacker

and the person running from the very same thing you are.

Pray for the world

where people walking across countries for months,

their only belongings upon their backs,

are told they have no place to go.

Say a prayer for Paris by all means,

but pray more,

for the world that does not have a prayer

for those who no longer have a home to defend.

For a world that is falling apart in all corners,

and not simply in the towers and cafes we find so familiar.

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