McDonald's Digital Menu Boards Offer Meals According to The Weather

McDonalds' is installing new digital menu boards at restaurants nationwide. And it's not just an ordinary digital menu board. It's a "smart menu" that will offer meals based on the weather.

Apparently, McDonald's has noticed that people are eating according to season nowadays. As reported in Business Insider, the world's second largest fast food chain has decided to install a new digital menu board that will recommend meals based on the weather.

"It can monitor temperature outside and it will know which products sell better at hotter or colder temperatures and promote those products," McDonald's US President Mike Andres said at an investor meeting in New York City on Tuesday.

These smart menu boards are designed to monitor the temperature outside and based on that data, recommend food items that is suitable given the temperature. Say for example, if it's cold and raining outside, the digital menu board may show a variety of hearty meals and hot drinks.

Or for instance, when the temperature is too high outside like 100 degrees, the menu might suggest a McFlurry or similar food items that can cool you off.

The ultimate aim of the smart menu boards is to better engage customers and focus their attention to certain products by moving images of McDonald's food. The fast food chain also hopes that this can boost sales after years of slumping sales.

When tested in Canada, Andres said that customers ended up spending more time on every transaction in restaurants where the new menu boards were installed.

More so, the digital menu boards can also track the time of day to promote breakfast food items in the morning and switch over to lunch, dinner and snack items accordingly.

The digital menu boards will be rolled out to all United States locations by end of 2016. Do you think the smart menu board of McDonald's will help them emerge from their declining sales? Or will this be a fail attempt to lure in more customers? Share us your thoughts!

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