Science Confirms: Guys Who Love Energy Drinks Are Terrible

Want to know more about your guy? Maybe peeking at what he's drinking can give you more insight on his personality. If your guy is drinking a Red Bull and vodka, which obviously is bad for his heart, you should probably think twice before taking the relationship a step further.

According to a study published this month in the Journal Health Psychology, men who hold stereotypical beliefs about masculinity that include homophobic and misogynistic views are more likely to consume energy drinks as reported by Huffington Post. Guys who are slurping on that energy drink could increase their macho appeal, a great misguided belief.

Researchers found that energy drinks will allow males to perform masculine acts seemingly making them irresistible to the females in the process. The study surveyed more than 467 adult men between the ages of 18 and 62 however most participants were aged 23. Those men found to consume more energy drinks are likely to agree with statements like "A man should always be the boss", "Homosexuals should never marry", and "A man should prefer watching action movies to reading romantic novels".

Lead study author Ronald Levant, a psychology professor at the University of Akron told Huffington Post that energy drinks are just the thing of young white American males. "I think the message men are getting is that if you're a young, white heterosexual male, energy drinks are for you." He also noted that the energy print ad usually features young white men engaged in an extreme sport accompanies with an admiring, attractive female in the frame.

Meanwhile, older men do not find the need for energy drink to feel masculine. This may be due a certain level of maturity and professionalism coupled with personal achievement.

"They no longer wonder whether they're masculine enough, or they wonder less, and they therefore have less need to prove it," Levant said.

However the study is limited to homogenous group of white, heterosexual college men. Researchers blame American society for the misguided belief of these young men, when they have to conform to a certain type to be accepted by society and mostly that's being aggressive, stoic and self-reliant.

More so, this group of young men may suffer serious health conditions caused by consuming those energy drinks. Food and Drug Administration has not specified how much caffeine these drinks should contain.

"These kids have no idea how much caffeine they're consuming," Levant said.

Drinking a single 16-ounce Rockstar energy drink can raise blood pressure and stress hormone response of a healthy adult. These could have serious consequences to young people who often chugs energy drinks, most especially paired with other substances such as tobacco.

Levant hopes that this finding will serve as a warning for young men out there. Be aware that there maybe be very large amounts of caffeine in them, and they can have some very negative consequences for you," he said. "There are other ways of demonstrating masculinity."

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