Ariana Grande's Tardiness Gave Way For a New Singer To Go Viral

Pop singer Ariana Grande reported late for her scheduled taping for this year's Christmas Day Parade located at Walt Disney World. The production is still on going and they are expected to finish this Friday. Lots of artists were filmed since Tuesday since the taping started, but when it was time for Ariana Grande's turn, the pop star was nowhere to be found. Lucky for someone named Rhett Wheeler, he got discovered as he took the singer's spot.

What happened was the whole production was waiting for Ariana Grande to show up and after almost two hours, the producers decided to finally make use of the time and see if there's someone who could sing or do comedy in front. The microphone was passed from one person to another until it came to Wheeler. He went on stage and wowed the crowd when he sang The Prayer made popular by Andrea Bocelli.

Now, he has gone viral since a man named Kaden Charming posted a video of him on Facebook while he was on stage performing. Everyone who saw it thought he did a great job. This is probably a good lesson to be learned for those artists who are late for work, knowing that someone out there could be taking their place any moment as soon as they don't show up on time.

Wheeler actually started singing when the mic was passed to him off stage and then the producers asked him to stop and rather take his performance on stage. The best part was David Foster came out and started playing the piano for him while he was singing. It was indeed something that Wheeler won't ever forget. There are no updates about his career just yet, but it is looking like things are about to change for the young man's life.

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