Most Consumers Don’t Pay Attention To Packing Ingredients List, Study Reveals

New study from the Netherlands had revealed that most Netherlands-based shoppers pay little attention to the ingredients lists on food labelling.

Australian Food News shared that the study assessed whether or not consumers would notice subtle packaging changed which attempted to make ingredients appear more "natural." It was then revealed that consumers experienced "Choiceblindness" and did not notice changes in most of cases.

Moreover, most shoppers only paid attention to the ingredients list if they were prompted. The findings of the Unilever-commissioned research may surprise several food companies which have invested in "clean labelling" to aid promote the ingredients as showing the product as most health-conscious or natural.

"Food manufacturers and policy makers have been tailoring food product ingredient information to consumers' self-reported preference for natural products and concerns over food additives," the research paper read. "Yet, the influence of this ingredient information on consumers remains inconclusive."

Additionally, researchers stated that more research was required to help know why shoppers neglect to read the ingredient lists. "Future research should investigate the reasons for consumers' inattention to ingredient information and develop more effective strategies for conveying information to consumers," the research paper stated.

Appetite journal accepted the study on Sept. 17, 2015.

Meanwhile, AFN previously reported that food labelling remains a significant factor for influencing consumers' choices. As a matter of fact, the Federal government of Australia has conducted a review of food labelling laws as a result of widespread shopper concerns in the state many years ago.

It was former Hawke Labor Government Minister Dr. Beal Blewett who led the investigating panel which issued its "Labelling Logic" report with several recommendations in 2011. Some of the key recommendations include: 1) That information on food labels be presented in a clear and comprehensible manner to enhance understanding across all levels of the population; 2) That the food safety elements on the food label be reviewed with the aim to maximize the effectiveness of food safety communication; and 3) That there be more effective monitoring and enforcement of the existing requirements in the Food Standards Code to provide mandatory warning and advisory statements and allergen declarations on packages of food not for retail sale, foods for sale at restaurants and other food outlets, foods from mobile food vendors and vending machines, and foods for catering purposes. Read the full list of the recommendations here.

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