Guess Who's Returning To The Vampire Diaries On A "Crossover?" [Spoiler]

The Vampire Diaries keeps getting interesting every episode that it would surprise fans how the writers are doing it, especially after Nina Dobrev's character died. A lot of people thought it was the end of the show after that happened, but the creativity and the imagination of the writers working on the show are just unstoppable. That said, another character from its past season is about to make a return and rumor has it that it would be Klaus this time.

The Heretics are taking over the story and Klaus' character could be the saving grace since he is an original hybrid. Everybody is expecting that he would be able to bring peace to the chaos that is in Mystic Falls.

But the question is how? According to reports, a crossover would be a solution this time. It was almost a crossover that they did the last time with his character along with Rebekah, but their roles weren't exactly crucial to the story, which made his crossover technically not official.

The Inquisitr wrote about the executive producers thoughts about creating a real crossover this time for the show and they have already been discussing about options on the said topic. On the other hand, the executive producer of The Originals (The Vampire Diaries' sister show) is not that sold on the idea.

Fashion & Style Magazine explained that Klaus and his family are dwelling more in the past for the last couple of seasons now. This may not be a good idea for the show to do a crossover, since they can't seem to be united on focusing on what's ahead.

Another character is returning and this time it's Jeremy Gilbert (Steven R. McQueen). The actor is thrilled for his comeback after being present in the finale of the show's last season. He is back for more this time and of course, for more vampire bloods.

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