Starbucks Holiday Cup Color Combo Declare a War on Christmas

Coffee is a big part of peoples' busy life. This is the first thing they remember as soon as they get on their cars and head to the office. These are not just about the coffee flavors, because in all honesty, most of the coffee flavors that are offered in coffee shops are identical; it is actually about how the coffee cups are also designed. This is adding to the attractiveness of the coffee they are selling. According to Mother Nature Network, Starbucks, one of the coffee giants is now in a middle of a controversy regarding their traditional holiday green and red colored cups.

A group of Christians are boycotting the brand because of their holiday cup because it somehow declares a "War on Christmas". If the topic is about coffee cups, it would be better to put the focus and discuss the one-time-use capacity. There is no evidence in the Bible that is an anti-Christian scripture that would describe by the red and green coffee cups; however, what is written in the Bible would be about caring for the planet. If we use some products once and then throw them in the trash, a mountain of trash is expected every day and not only during the holiday.

As a matter of fact, this has a little to do with Starbucks; just they are one of the thousands of companies and businesses that provide a one-time-use item. This is bigger than any of that. It has to do with all of us who increase our use of disposables at the holidays with cups, wrapping paper, Christmas cards and so much more.

The next time you walk into Starbucks or any other coffee house, worry less about what should or shouldn't be on the coffee cups. Worry more about walking through the door with a reusable coffee cup in hand.

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