How Omega-3 can Help Your Body, According to New Study

One rule that leads to success in healthy living is staying away from fatty food as much as possible. But if there is one fat to include in one's diet it is Omega-3 fatty acids. Previous studies found how Omega 3 supplements not only supply the fatty acids that are vital for the body to operate normally but are also beneficial to prevent heart disease. However there are several misconceptions about what Omega 3 really does or not. Here are five scientifically proven healthy benefits of taking Omega 3 fatty acids.

Help reduce inflammation

According to University of Maryland Medical Center, Omega-3 fatty acids may diminish swelling of any body parts due to some illnesses. It can also decrease the probability of acquiring chronic diseases such as cancer, and arthritis. Omega 3 fatty acids also aid in preventing acute diseases. Philip Calder, PhD, professor of nutritional immunology at the University of Southampton in the UK noted that Om "Omega-3s, in the diet and from supplements, seem to have an impact on both types of inflammation (Acute and Chronic)."

Higher HDL(good) cholesterol level

Study shows that those who consume fatty fish (which Omega 3 fatty acids come from) have higher DHL (good) cholesterol levels, that help the heart stay healthy, and lower triglycerides (blood fats)

Lowers Blood Pressure Level

In 1993, a study was released by American Heart Association which aims to prove the effects of Omega 3 fatty acids on the blood pressure level of participants with higher risk of having cardiovascular disease. Other studies in the past had also found the positive effect of taking Omega 3 on curing patients with hypertension.

Fight depression

Though it is not clear yet how effective Omega 3 fatty acids in improving a person's mood or prevents depression, however some studies revealed how some people who took Omega 3 supplements together with their prescribed anti-depressants showed positive results on overcoming depression compared with those who took the anti-depressants alone.

Assists in infants' growth

Omega 3 fatty acids also aids in the progress of both visual and neurological growth of babies. Several studies show that infants fed with formulas containing DHA and ARA more likely to possess improved mental development, clearer visual acuity and lower blood pressure at age six.

To maximize the benefits of Omega 3- fatty acids on your health, WebMD noted that consuming food with Omega 3 fatty acids are better than taking supplements. Eating fish that supply DHA and EPA omega-3 fatty acids at least two to three times a week was recommended.

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