Lose Weight By Making Food a Sensual Experience

With all the fad diets circulating the web, this one seems to be the most pleasurable. According to researchers at the University of British Columbia, one can lose weight by making food a sensual experience. Focusing on calories and health is not as effective as emphasizing pleasure according to the research.

As reported by CBC News , a new study states that there's a new way of losing weight. Researchers from University of British Columbia suggests that approaching food as pleasurable, sensory experience result to eating less and ultimately losing weight.

Yan Cornil, University of British Columbia assistant professor of marketing and co-author of the study said, "It's a question of mindset. If you approach food choices as a sensory experience...you're going to think that smaller portions are just as good", he said.

The study was titled, "Pleasure As A Substitute For Size: How Multisensory Imagery Can Make People Happier with Smaller Food Portions". Cornil explains how the sensory pleasure peaks in just the first few bites then quickly declines. So it is advised to take smaller portions of food to bring in more pleasure from eating the food.

More so, the study also looked at the cultural differences in attitudes towards food.

"In cultures like in France, Japan or South Korea - and perhaps also in Vancouver - people have a food culture in which they appreciate food aesthetics and food sensory experience slightly more," said Cornil.

It is no coincidence as well that these cultures have less cases of obesity, Cornil added.

The study also compared results between eating less and eating with pleasure. It explains that encouraging people to eat less for health reasons is not as effective as getting diners to focus on pleasure when eating. The experience starts with how the food is described and the whole dining experience.

One restaurant has applied this conceptat Vancouver's French Cafe Au Comptoir. Chef Daniel McGee said, "What we try and do is try and give [customers] higher quality - more local ingredients, organic - and trim it down a little bit so you're not leaving so full, and you can still go and enjoy the rest of your day."

It is actually a win-win situation for foodies and business-owners alike. The study concludes with, "It is time to stop caricaturing eating enjoyment as the simple fulfilment of visceral impulses, and to rehabilitate the pleasure of eating."

Do you think you'd eat less if you focus on the pleasures of eating? Do you think this is an effective tool to lose weight? Share us your thoughts by leaving your comments below.

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