Starbucks London: Barista Writes ‘Creepy’ Pick-up Line On Girl's Coffee Cup

A barista at a Starbucks in London tried to flirt with one of his customers, however the creepy note he wrote on her cup went a little too far.

Seventeen reported that Starbucks cups come with warning, "Careful, the beverage you are about to enjoy is extremely hot" printed along the bottom edge. The barista drew lines through the caution note so all that left was "Careful, you are extremely hot." He even drew an arrow down to the words so they could not be missed.

The girl's mom named Alex Blaine then posted the photograph on Facebook in a city-wide group. "Creepy barista writing inappropriate messages on my daughter's coffee. Looks like son in-law material," she wrote.

The post was able to rack up more than 500 likes in just two days. Her 19-year-old daughter has not given a response about the flirty message.

People who saw the snap on public Facebook group S--- London were also not happy about the connotations of the note. "I'm sure he's fallen foul of some harassment laws there somewhere," one user said.

"He may have meant it in jest as a bit of fun but if alone the posters daughter may have felt very intimidated by this it's wrong. I would say something to him and speak with his manager," another user commented. One person had a good way to get avenge: "I'd spill it, burn myself, then sue them for not displaying the health and safety warnings."

However, Telegraph emphasized that baristas flirting with some customers via their cup doodles are actually not new. As a matter of fact, another girl experienced the same thing, the same day when Alex's daughter got hit on.

"This barista was not entirely original in his flirting attempt," the publication wrote in the report. "It seems that it is something that has been done before, if these posts on reddit and Tumblr are anything to go by."

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