Trick on Treat: Police investigates Halloween Candy Tampering

A criminal investigation by the Connecticut Police was launched after a 13-year old allegedly found a small needle inside a Fun Size Snickers bar last Monday. According to his parents, the kid got the candy from the annual Trick or Treat he joined in two different areas- the Willow Lane area and the Nod Lane/Nod Hill Road area of town.

According to the police, the kid was not hurt during the incident.

In Sonoma, another instance of a blade found in a Trick or Treat candy also happened in two separate occasions.

According to Frank Gravatt, father of a 12 year old boy alleged to have found the exacto knife razor blade in one of his Butterfinger candy bars, his son returned from an hour of Trick or Treat on Saturday night.

"Immediately that put a scare in the whole table, and nobody wanted to touch their candy," Gravatt said. He is a visual effects artist and he was sure that the cady was tampered with.

"Right after that, I wanted to get the word out as quick as possible," he added. He used Facebook as a medium to spread the word and posted a picture of the alleged blade.

Right after he called the Sheriff's office to report the incident. At 10:50 the Sonoma police released an advisory to inspect all Halloween candy for possible tampering.

"This incident is being investigated by the Sonoma police department and at this time appears to be isolated."

The other incident came from St. Francis Solano School in which Principal Debbie Picard informed the parents that a sewing needle was found in a Snickers minibar of a 6th grade student which was brought to school.

The police believed that the incidents were not related since the kids were Trick or Treating in different areas and at different times.

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