Solving the Sugar Mystery: Why Our Bodies Crave for Sugary Treats

Having a "sweet tooth" may be unavoidable. But why does one crave for too much sugar, when our body doesn't need that many sweets? The Daily Beast website was able to tackle this concern, thus shedding a light for individuals to understand their sugar cravings. Numerous theories have emerged and three of which are as follows:

As per the website, scientists would often find it hard to take a closer look on what normally cause these cravings, but that are determined in finding a way to decrease sugar craving as it is the number one cause of obesity.

A nutritionist from Virginia Tech, Brenda Davy stated that:

"Foods perceived as undesirable tend to be underreported, and there's a lot of literature that links added sugars and sugar-sweetened beverages with adverse health outcomes."

Upon further study, however, a scientist was able to figure out on what causes the sugar cravings, and it came from the very plants that satisfy our sugar cravings.

The Business Insider then gave out a different view as they stated that our sweet tooth could come from our primate ancestors. The news website stated that years age, apes survived by consuming sugar rich fruits. These animals evolved along with their sugar craving in which they eventually opted for riper fruits because of its high sugar content.

Danil Liberman who is an evolutionary biologist who studied at Harvard University who is the author of "The Story the Human Body: Evolution, Health, and Disease." Stated that "Sugar is a deep, deep ancient craving,"

He then added:

"For millions of years, our cravings and digestive systems were exquisitely balanced because sugar was rare, apart from honey, most of the foods our hunter-gatherer ancestors ate were no sweeter than a carrot. The invention of farming made starchy foods more abundant, but it wasn't until very recently that technology made pure sugar bountiful."

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