Yuengling Ice Cream Makes Comeback After Nearly 30-Year Hiatus

After a 28-year hiatus, Yuengling's ice cream is coming back to store shelves.

According to FOX News, the first batches of the product will start coming off the production line and arriving in stores in mid-February. The beloved ice cream, which was founded in 1829, went into the dairy business in 1920 after the passing of Prohibition.

"It's a very exciting time for us," president, David Yuengling, said. "We originally expected production to begin in March, but when we announced in September that we were bringing back Yuengling's Ice Cream, the response was so enthusiastic that we pushed up production."

All Acme and Weis grocery stores will carry the ice cream, along with independent grocers in Pennsylvania, Virginia, Maryland, West Virginia, Delaware, New Jersey and New York. The cost will sell for $5.49 and $5.99 per quart.

"Acme, Weis and other independent grocers asked to have Yuengling's Ice Cream before the original launch date," Rob Bohorad, chief operating officer, said in a press release. "We bumped up production to accommodate them, but we fully anticipate being in more grocery stores later this year."

The Pennsylvania-based brewery will be sticking to more traditional flavors, like vanilla, chocolate and mint chocolate chip, but also will offer Black and Tan (chocolate and caramel ice cream), Vanilla Fudge Chunk with Pretzels, Espresso Chocolate Chip, Chocolate Fudge Brownie, Chocolate Marshmallow, Root Beer Float and Mint Chocolate Chip.

"For all those people who have asked, and for the many others who have not had the opportunity to try our ice cream, it is our pleasure to bring back the great tradition of Yuengling's Ice Cream," Yuengling wrote on the company's website.

Yuengling's Ice Cream, based in northeastern PA, is a family-owned business. The ice cream is certified as PA Preferred, meaning their ingredients come from Pennsylvania. Leiby's Dairy in Tamaqua will be producing the ice cream.

Yuengling Dairy Products made ice cream for 65 years.

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