Forget Diet, Eat To Live According To Experts In Health and Weight Loss

Lots of people in America have one thing in common when it comes to food and diet and it is the fact that they are worried so much about what they eat and if it will help them lose weight. An article published by Dr. David Samadi brings more encouragement to people and actually makes them worry free regarding their issues in weight gain.

According to Dr. Samadi, people who are stressed out a lot about losing weight end up being stressed consequently, eating more along the way. It can be overwhelming to most people to deal with the knowledge of going vegan, being on a Paleo diet and so on and so forth. These things could clutter the brain and could just produce more stress to an individual. He said that the number one thing to do in order to maintain good health is "to eat to love and not live to eat."

Having this kind of attitude towards food would make everyone's lives easier when it comes to dealing with weight loss. Overthinking about what you are eating would just cause more stress and therefore make you end up eating more. Eating when hungry is also something that he advised.

The doctor is encouraging prevention as well and being active. These are the things that will help anyone stay in shape. This is best than subjecting yourself undergoing a yo-yo diet. He said that the effects of that could even be worse, especially when it comes to the psychological effects. He would rather allow an individual eat cupcakes once in a while, than have them be tortured and feel like they are forced on something when they have to go on a "diet."

Dr. Samadi is a world-renown doctor in the area of Prostate Cancer, so he knows a lot about maintaining the health of a person.

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