Working Before 10AM Equivalent To Torture - Research Says

This is something you should definitely let your employers know: a new research has found that working before 10AM is actually equivalent to torture.

Dr. Paul Kelley is a researcher at Oxford University, and has scientifically confirmed that no worker should actually start working before the clock strikes 10AM. In an interview, Dr. Paul Kelley explained:

"Before the age of 55, the circadian rhythms of adults are completely out of sync with normal nine-to-five working hours, posing a 'serious threat' to performance, mood, and mental health."

Given the new information, Dr. Kelley has concluded that a global shift in the way we work s necessary. This doesn't mean just start work days at a later time, but also starting children's school hours at later times as well.

In fact, studies have shown that the average 10-year-old student has trouble finding focus on school work when it happens before approximately 8:30AM. Apparently, "the best educational results happened at around 11AM."

Higher Persepctives further reports:

"Dr. Keley asserts that the overall education experience children receive, if it were to happen in the afternoon instead of morning, would result in an overall grade increase by 10% across the board. But of course, starting mid-morning doesn't just help kids."

In a sleep-deprived age, Dr. Kelley explains how this negatively affects our health:

"Staff are usually sleep deprived. [...] We've got a sleep-deprived society. It is hugely damaging on the body's systems because you are affecting physical, emotional and performance systems in the body. Your liver and your heart have different patterns and you're asking them to shift two or three hours. This is an international issue. Everybody is suffering and they don't have to."

Dr. Paul Kelley continued:

"If we look at the connections between the human body, Earth, and the light from the sun's natural rhythms, it isn't really possible to change its 24 hours cycle. Later start times should affect every aspect of society, including prisons and hospitals. In these settings, people are usually woken up and given food they do not want. You're more biddable because you're totally out of it. Sleep deprivation is a torture."

Print this out and show it to your employer immediately!

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