Mary Kay Letourneau Jailed: Former Teacher Linked To Sex Scandal Arrested For Missing Court Date

Police arrested former Seattle school teacher, who made headlines in the 1990s for sleeping with her then 12-year-old student, after she missed her court date appearance for driving without a license.

According to CBS News, Mary Kay Letourneau failed to appear in court over a suspended license, due to unpaid traffic tickets, from a January 2013 case. Letourneau was reportedly arrested around 8 p.m. Sunday and booked into King County Jail in Tukwila, Wash., Monday morning. A jail official said Letourneau was later released at 1:05 p.m. after posting $5,000 bail.

The now 51-year-old spent nearly a decade in jail for having a sexually relationship with her sixth-grade student, Vili Fualaau. While pregnant with child, a then 34-year-old Letourneau was sentenced to prison in late 1997 after pleading guilty to child rape.

Letourneau received parole in 1998, but was banned from ever contacting Fualaau. Within a month of her release, the two were caught together in her car, which was a violation of her parole.

Letourneau, who was found to be pregnant with child, was sent back to prison for seven and a half years. Letourneau was incarcerated from 1997 to 2004..Their affair started a media frenzy filled with tell-all books, and television films, according to CBS News.

After her release Letourneau married her former student Fualaau in 2005, when she was 43 and Fualaau was 22. Letourneau and Fualaau have two children together.

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