Nutrition Trends for 2014, Include Gluten-Free Treats, Ancient Grains and Kale

It is official a new year, which means for some individuals, new eating habits.

According to the New York Daily News, a survey of over 500 dietitians in the U.S. have concluded that gluten-free diets will become a major trend in 2014. Along with ancient grains and kale. Nutritionists say the gluten-free Paleo diet and the "wheat belly" diet, created by cardiologist William R. Davis, fall into the same nutritional trendy category.

Dr. Jenna A. Bell, senior vice president and director of food and wellness at Pollock Communications, a New York City-based health and wellness public relations firm, told that Daily News that people are always looking for way to control their weight.

"Despite the lack of evidence to support wheat- or gluten-elimination diets for weight loss or health, not associated with a clinical disorder or disease, consumers are still looking for ways to control their weight," Bell told the Daily News.

Google revealed that this year's most-searched diets were the Paleo Diet, also known as the Caveman Diet and the Juice Cleanse Diet, nutritional expect suggest trying vitamin-rich kale, which they predict will be a new growing trend for the new year.

Ancient grains such as spelt, amaranth, quinoa, millet and kamut, is also becoming a growing trend, the Daily News reported. The study reported that 66 percent of participants said their "interest in nutrition and weight loss will only grow" in the new year coming in.

According to the Daily News, the study reported that people are looking for more eco-local friendly foods.

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