Peanut Butter Glows In The Dark, Here's How!

The world of peanut butter has just become more interesting, not that it was not interesting before, but because it has been found out the peanut butter actually glows! Yes the delicious spread can actually glow in the dark and one can do it as a sick party trick or just as an experiment.

The trick to create the glowing peanut butter is not that complicate, all one need is a jar of new or old peanut butter, any brand and a blue or violet laser point and with this, the peanut butter will surely illuminate.

The glow is actually cause by the peanut butter's many phenolic compounds, which is protective agents found in plant based food.

These phenolic compounds absorb light in the ultra-violet spectrum. The compound takes in the energy from the laser point and then re-emits it in a green color spectrum.

This phenomenon doesn't only happen in plant based food but also in plant based oils.

The afterglow of the peanut butter does not last long but it does give off an entirely exciting and fun image, which can be a serious sick trick in kid parties or even in adult parties.

The best way to get the illuminating effect of the peanut butter is when the peanut butter is frozen first.

There is a video on NurdRage's channel on Youtube that shows the afterglow of the peanut butter, they also explain many things as to how and why it happens.

NurdRage also has a lesson on fluorescence and one can check that out as well for more interesting facts.

A glowing peanut butter wouldn't be a bad idea during this Halloween season, it would surely get people talking and would be a great ice breaker for anyone who is hosting a party this Halloween eve.

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