Should We Go Vegetarian After Shocking Processed Meat Announcement?

A shocking announcement about bacon and processed meat was made by the World Health Organization last week. This made all bacon lovers and sent the beef industry wondering what would be the next step. As Stuff reported, there are some experts who have new warnings about the new change in diet.

There is a very wide definition of processed meat and red meat if we base it according to the International Agency of Research of Cancer's definition. They said that processed meat means that it has been transformed through curing, salting, fermentation and many more to enhance the flavor or in order to preserve it to improve shelf life. This includes but not limited to hotdogs, sausages, turkey, cold cuts, canned meat and yes also bacon.

Red meat on the other hand are all types of muscle meat such as beef, pork and many more including goat.

The cancer that was given to processed meat was based on the studies and research about colorectal cancer. Another one would be stomach cancer. For red meat, though they found that that data pointed to pancreatic, colorectal and prostate cancers.

After the news broke out last week, many have been alarmed and wondered what they can do now that almost all their life they consumed so much processed food and read meat as well.

Susan Gapsur of the American Cancer Society advised that people who eat meat should begin to cut back on the amount they usually have and emphasized to really limit their intake if processed meat. She added that people should be moving toward a healthier plant-based diet of fruits, vegetables and beans as alternatives.

According to the World Cancer Research Fund International recommended that people who eat red meat consumes less than 500 grams a week and very little of processed meat, but they insisted that they don't know the exact level that they can declare as the safe amount. They added that the risk increases with the amount being consumed, so the best recommendation would be to decrease the intake.

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