Graham Elliot Weight Loss Update: Chef Drops 128 Pounds in 4-Months and Runs 5K Race

After losing 128 pounds, chef Graham Elliot sums up his feelings about running his first 5K race in just word, "Amazing!"

Accompanied by his wife Allie, Elliot finished the race in 34:49 and told People Magazine he was determined to overcome the battle with his weight.

"I have been jogging and training since the summer, working up to 3 miles," Elliot told People. "The feeling of crossing the finish line was a great sense of accomplishment."

Elliot wore a fake moustache in honor of Mike Ditka, the former coach of the Chicago Bears. In July, the "MasterChef" judge and award-winning chef underwent a sleeve mastectomy, "in which 80 percent of a patient's stomach is removed to create a small sleeve-shaped stomach the size of a banana."

"Now weighing in at 268 lbs, down from 396 lbs. Thanks everyone for the continued support!" he wrote on his Twitter account Wednesday.

Two months after having weight loss surgery Elliot has lost 91 pounds. Elliot told People he's battled with his weight his whole life. The chef said he was tipping the scale at 400 pounds and was having trouble "getting in and out of his car and tying his shoe. The father of three sons, Mylo, 6, Conrad, 2, and 10-month-old Jedediah, also said he was having issues playing with his kids."

"That will be the first time in well over a decade that I've been under 300 [lbs.]," he siad.  "I see people on the street who are the size I was only a few months ago, and it's like, 'Man, I wish you could feel what I am feeling right now, it's absolutely life-changing.'"

Elliot said he's planning to run the Chicago marathon in 2014 with the support from his MasterChef judges, Gordon Ramsay and Joe Bastianich. He recently opened up his newest restaurant, Primary Food & Drink in Greenwich, Connecticut.

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