‘Star Wars’ Chewbacca Arrested In Ukraine For Having No I.D. While Driving Darth Vader To Elections – For Real [VIDEO]

Ukraine has been in ongoing internal turmoil for the past two years, between a social revolt that took dozens of lives to even an international conflict with Russia that has led to a major economic blockade toward the Vladimir Putin-led nation, but that doesn't mean some of its citizens has lost their sense of humor as "Star Wars" Chewbacca becomes a political actor in the country.

In a new and bizarre turn of events, one of the major characters of the science fiction classic "Star Wars," Chewbacca, has been arrested in Ukraine - or, more specifically, someone wearing a Chewie costume and no ID was arrested in the Eastern European nation.

According to Sky News, this "Star Wars" Chewbacca was driving Darth Vader (also unidentified) around Odessa during Election Day, as Vader was a candidate for the mayoral seat, and they were taken into custody because Ukrainian law forbids campaigning on the day of voting and they failed to prove IDs.

Quartz reports that the police couldn't help taking the "Star Wars" Chewbacca situation in good humor, posting a picture on their official Instagram account of Chewbacca being taken in.

"Nothing unusual here, just Chewbacca detained for being without documents while driving Darth Vader to the elections in Odessa," wrote the police. "The Sith Lord has already claimed this was illegal as Chewbacca is his pet and general servant and thus does not require documents."

According to The Guardian, it's not unusual to see characters from the sci-fi franchise on Ukrainian elections, with Darth Vaders (who change their names legally to match the movie villain) often running for office; however, it's a little more uncommon seeing "Star Wars" Chewbaccas driving them to vote, but it might just make sense that Luke and Leia's father has a Wookie as a pet chauffeur.

In any case, you can watch the hilariously absurd video of the "Star Wars" Chewbacca Ukraine arrest below.

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