Cancer Patients Favor Healthier Foods During Treatment

Bring on the water, farm-fresh produce, chicken, pasta and hearty soups.

A new study released on Tuesday by the Cancer Nutrition Consortium which aims to improve the lives of cancer patients by helping them get well-organized meals, while combating the weight loss and fatigue that often comes with aggressive treatment.

The two-year survey of what U.S. cancer patients prefer to eat and drink, involved 1,203 patients at seven of the world's leading cancer centers, including Dana-Farber and the Mayo Clinic.

The study found 40 percent of those involved in the study developed more sensitive palates after starting treatments like chemotherapy and radiation. Fifty-two percent of patients said they were avoiding greasy or fried foods, 44 percent avoid spicy foods, and nearly a third said they avoid acidic foods like grapefruit.

"Typically the patients ran for the healthier foods," said Kathy McManus, director of nutrition at Dana-Farber. "But there were exceptions, and it is important to keep in mind that it is not one size fits all."

From the research 69 percent of patients said they preferred fruits and vegetables and 60 percent favored soups and poultry.

"Many of our patients suffer from problems getting adequate nutrition through treatment, and some of them are unsure about what they should be eating," said Terry Langbaum, chief operating officer for Sidney Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer Center at Johns Hopkins, which also participated in the study. "This research study involved the patients and truly helped us to better understand preferences."

According to Reuters, the study also showed most patients stayed away from beverages like beer, wine and soda, while gravitating toward healthier options like water and fruit juice.

The Cancer Nutrition Consortium said it will soon be launching a website that includes recipes designed by chefs and tailored to the findings of the survey.

"Limit greasy and fried food offerings since about one-half of patients are avoiding these types of foods," according to the study.

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