Rihanna's New Album Update

There is an on going rumor about Rihanna's upcoming 8th studio album called "ANTI" around the Internet and they are expecting that it comes out November of this year. Unfortunately, it is just a rumor and so far, there is no truth to it.

Billboard said according to an insider that is working closely with Rihanna that this rumor about her 8th album is not happening on November 6 even if that's what everybody (who has heard about it)would want to happen.

Latinos Post reported that fans are expecting that Rihanna comes out with an album entitled "R8" since there has already been rumors about its release along with a fake album cover. In that album art, the singer was wearing her hair down with a black hat and a necklace that says a lot about her being a boho-chic.

After Rihanna said that she has actually revealed the real album cover of her new project, a couple of weeks ago on a private setup and it is so far from like the picture on the Internet as seen by fans. The real one is a painting on a canvas according to Latinos Post. A Hebrew artist who is based in New York did work on her album cover and she had in her hands a black balloon with a crown going down her face.

The other unique thing about that canvas is that it was covered in braille. Rihanna explained the cover art saying, "Sometimes the ones who have sight are the blindest," Rihanna said at the event. With a name and visuals like that, the album sounds like it has a lot to live up to."

Billboard confirmed that this album is still going to be called "ANTI" however, it is not bound for release anytime soon. Fans could wait until early next year for it to come out.

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