Life on Mars? Curiosity Rover's Photo Shows Mars' Flowing Water

Curiosity Rover's photo shows flowing water on Mars, which is claimed by a UFO hunter on a latest blog post for "UFO Sightings Daily."

Tech Times says that on Thursday, Scott Waring, a UFO hunter, claims that he has found evidence of running water in one of the rover's photos on the Red Planet, which means that there has been life that existed before.

In the picture, a darkened trail, a wet patch that is against the light- colored dirt shows that it is water flowing on the planet Mars, which is taken by the rover on Aug. 2, 2014 - a year before the United States National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) knew about water present on the planet, Mirror said.

The photo is taken below the rocks inside the lining of Gale Crater's hills. NASA has never said that they discovered the sources of flowing water on the Red Planet but only reported of dark streaks which could be caused by intermittent water flows. The agency also recently found the presence of hydrated minerals in the region of Hale Crater and stated it on Sept. 28.

The Inquistr also notes that the photo with the dark streak is far away from where NASA found the unsteady running water flows. The streaks were said to be less than 16 feet wide, which experts believe that they left salt deposits behind. Also, these streaks only appear during the Martian summer on slopes where and when the temperatures soar above -23 degrees Celsius, and they disappear when it is very cold in the winter at- 87 degrees Celsius.

Overall, Waring believes that the amount of Martian water based on the photos is enough for sustaining tiny alien race, which could be the one responsible for presence of walls, statues, space ship ruins, head carvings of famous figures, and other structures that other UFO hunters found on the Red Planet.

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