'Suicide Squad' News: Jared Leto's 'The Joker' is Most Disturbing; Cast Members Share why Leto Scares Them

"Suicide Squad" may be set for release next year, but fans are already very excited with the film, especially with Jared Leto playing "The Joker," Batman's arch nemesis.

Reports claim that even Leto's co-stars call his version the most disturbing and that Leto's take on "The Joker" extends out of the movie set.

Corina Calderon and Margot Robbie, who both play main characters in "Suicide Squad," recently shared what they thought of Jared Leto's "The Joker," according to The Inquisitr.

ComicBook.com reported that Calderon was extremely mesmerized with Leto's performance, that playing the role of Grace in the movie became easier.

"Before we shot my scenes, I was on set with David Ayer, the director, and got to watch [the other actors] do their scenes before my scenes," Calderon said in the interview. "Watching him [Leto] really gave me this whole new freedom as an actress."

"I feel brave, I feel ballsy watching him go. It was an amazing lesson," she added. "Jared Leto as the Joker, he is brilliant... I was amazed, just fascinated, mesmerized watching him... Even when he was going to get his mic checked in between scenes."

Meanwhile, Margot Robbie, who will be taking on the role of Harley Quinn, said that Leto abosultely terrified him on set, but that doesn't mean she wasn't impressed. In fact, he was brilliant.

Robbie said Leto was "pretty impressive" and even a little frightening out of makeup, according to Classical Lite.

"I saw him out of makeup once and I was actually petrified of him. I was too scared to go up and didn't know who that person was... And when he got back into his makeup I was far more comfortable," said Robbie.

So, how did Jared make an impressive "Joker", enough to scare his co-stars?

Christian Post reported that Jared Leto used method acting to create his own Joker and understand the character better. Each detail mattered in order to make his own genuine Joker, from how The Joker looked to how he laughed, and even to how he socializes with his co-stars on set.

According to Movie News Guide, Leto gave Margot Robbie a love letter with a live rat as a gift. Will Smith, who plays Deadshot in "Suicide Squad," also received a gift in the form of a black box with bullets inside. The actor said that he never speaks to Leto even while filming.

Needless to say, Jared Leto's portrayal genuinely disturbed and scared his fellow actors, with the movie's director calling Jared's Joker as "real crazy."

Movie Pilot reported that Jared Leto did his research for The Joker well. Maybe a little too well as he gave the entire cast a dead pig as a gift. He also reportedly sent a video of himself dressed as the character with the dead pig gift. According to Adam Beach, who plays Slipknot, that act alone blew the minds of everybody on set.

Despite being scared, his co-actors were actually pretty impressed, and with this new and insanely disturbing take on The Joker, "Suicide Squad" seems to be even more worth the wait.

The film is set for release on August 5, 2016.

Check out the suicide squad trailer here.

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