Ganja Yoga: Marijuana Infused Yoga is the Next Big Thing

Pairing marijuana with exercise may not be a good idea, but there's an exception for yoga. As per The Stoners Cookbook, yoga and marijuana can go hand in hand as they both offer relaxation, and deeper awareness. As per the website, combing both marijuana and yoga increased the individual's relaxation, simply because it significantly decreases brain activity.

The website then added that yoga students suffering from physical ailments stated that smoking pot enabled them to perform yoga as it eliminates the pain they get while doing yoga. Other practitioners also added that smoking before performing yoga makes it easier for them to quiet their minds and makes it easier for them to relax.

The New York Times then added that one yoga studio in California has been successfully teaching 420 Remedy Yoga for the past three years.

The yoga instructress Liz McDonald showed the news website on how her class was conducted, which starts at 4:25 pm. The class would start off slow in tune with the Indian-infused jazz. They then started performing regular yoga. Each of her students smoked pot before the class started leaving them in a calm state.

In relation to marijuana usage, it's already a well-known fact that it can aid in de-stressing and ease chronic pain.

The author of "Yoga Anatomy" and a Manhattan Yoga teacher, Leslie Laminoff however stated that he does not opt to use enhancers in performing yoga.

"drugs can be a tool, and every tool has a positive and a negative aspect to it."

Miss McDonald however stated that marijuana is a good tool to infuse it with yoga.

"I find it to be a valuable tool in teaching, Disbelief is my biggest obstacle. People don't believe that they can feel their heart beat or that they can send breath into their lower appendages. A little pot relaxes them into comprehending. And if you want to just lie down in my class, that's O.K., too."

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