Carrots Deemed The Secret to Healthy Sperm

Are carrots the new sperm superfood?

Researchers at Harvard University's School of Public Health found that orange and yellow produce can increase the quantity and quality of sperm, according to a new study. The study investigated the effect of fruit and vegetables on the health of sperm and discovered that carrots in particular were singled out for their sperm-boosting properties and eating foods rich in beta-carotene can boost male fertility.

The study asked 189 young men to follow diets containing a variety of fruit and vegetables before testing to see what effect it had on sperm.

Yellow and orange foods were found to help make the sperm stronger. The orange veggies, along with lettuce and spinach, are high in beta-carotene. Researchers found this antioxidant improves sperm motility, or its ability to swim toward an egg, by 6.5 percent to 8 percent. Red fruit and vegetables, particularly tomatoes, which contain the anti-cancer chemical lycopene, were associated with fewer abnormally-shaped sperm.

"In a population of healthy young men, carotenoid intake was associated with higher sperm motility and, in the case of lycopene, better sperm morphology," the study said. "Our data suggest that dietary carotenoids may have a positive impact on semen quality."

The boost was attributed to pigments called carotenoids because the body converts some of these into health-boosting antioxidants. These include beta-carotene, which the body can make into the antioxidant vitamin A.

Sweet potato and melon can enhance the quantity and quality of sperm, but carrots were found to improve sperm performance by between 6.5 and 8 percent, according to the report, "Semen Quality in Relation to Antioxidant Intake in a Healthy Male Population," in the journal Fertility and Sterility.

A previous study from Harvard showed that men eating diets containing most saturated fat had the lowest sperm counts and poorer quality sperm. However, men who ate more "good" fats - including omega-3 fatty acids found in fish and some plants had better quality sperm than those eating less.

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