Marijuana and Its Capability to Alleviate Chronic Pain

It's a known fact that marijuana has the capability to ease numerous health problems, from cancer to co-existing pain conditions. Having medical marijuana legalized is a stepping stone in providing an alternative in pain induction.

As per Harborside Heath Center: "Prominent health organizations acknowledge the benefits and lack of side effects of using medical cannabis for controlling chronic pain."

Chronic pain maybe hard to ease as it often requires a high dosage pain killers that could damage the kidney with continuous use. Chronic pain may be hard to control most especially if it is linked to pre-existing conditions such as endometriosis, fibromyalgia, temporomandibular joint dysfunction, and many more. The website however made it clear that these pre-existing conditions known to worsen chronic pain can be eased by medical marijuana.

"There is scientific evidence that cannabinoids possess pain ­relieving properties, and some clinical evidence to support their medical use for patients suffering from painful conditions. "

WebMd then added that only 3 puffs of weed can go a long way. It helps individuals suffering from chronic nerve pain get better sleep at night as it eases the discomfort. An assistant professor of anesthesia and family medicine at McGill University in Montreal, Mark Ware stated that "It's been known anecdotally, about 10% to 15% of patients attending a chronic pain clinic use cannabis as part of their pain [control] strategy."

These may all be linked to surgeries and sever pain. But smoking marijuana is also one of the best options to relieve migraine and menstrual cramps for females. It is commonly used by individuals allergic to pain killers and would opt to explore the benefits of organic chemical free medication.

Not only does it alleviate chronic pain medical marijuana is also being used to treat several mental health problems and is known to aid in cancer treatment.

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