Ben Affleck PBS: ‘Finding Your Roots’ Returning For Third Season After Sony Pictures WikiLeaks Scandal

Even though Ben Affleck recently landed one of the biggest possible roles on film, Bruce Wayne/Batman in both "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice" and "Suicide Squad," both set for a 2016 release, it hasn't been the actor and director's year, as he heads towards a divorce from longtime wife Jennifer Garner - and even that Ben Affleck PBS scandal.

Last spring, WikiLeaks showed the world its archives for that time last year when Sony Pictures was hacked and their internal e-mails revealed, and one particular e-mail burst into scandal as Ben Affleck's PBS connection was shown to the world, when it turned out the two-time Oscar winner had asked that part of his heritage be taken out of "Finding Your Roots."

Now, months after this Ben Affleck PBS scandal, following an official apology from the star over hiding his slave-owning ancestors, "Finding Your Roots" is officially coming back to televisions, according to The Wrap.

As Jezebel reports, following the Ben Affleck PBS scandal, the show's production was paused last June while an investigation on the matter took place, but now came the official announcement that the show, which focuses on finding the ancestry of famous people (past guests have included a wide variety of celebrities, from actors like Robert Downey Jr., Jessica Alba and Samuel L. Jackson to political figures like Condoleezza Rice and Governor Deval Patrick), will be back for a third season after two successful runs.

According to The Hollywood Reporter, following the Ben Affleck PBS controversy there will be new processes in place, as host Henry Louis Gates, Jr. has made it a point to collaborate with the network as much as possible to avoid that kind of thing from ever happening again; now "Finding Your Roots" counts with another genealogist, an expert on DNA genealogical research and an additional fact-checking researcher.

Following the Ben Affleck PBS scandal, the network will launch a third season of "Finding Your Roots" next January.

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