The Down Side of the High: "Effects of Marijuana in a Developing Brain"

Marijuana has sparked several debates all throughout the years. It is often blamed for numerous teenage mishaps, but no concrete source pointed out that marijuana can cause both death and addiction. As per the Muir Wood website, marijuana is capable of damaging a teenager's school performance due to the fact that it can impair their cognitive function.

As per The Cannabist website, the brain doesn't reach the age of maturity until the age of 25 to 30, and Francesca Filbey who co-authored the study, stated that Pot use should be put on hold until then.

"I think that it's possible the brain can't sustain continued compensatory mechanisms, what it might really boil down to is a difficulty in stopping marijuana use. It might be what drives people to continue use, despite the negative consequences."

The Stoner's Cookbook then added that it may cause learning deficiencies in your child. Dr. Sandra Smith who is an associate professor of psychology in the University of Ottawa focused on this study. A research was conducted in which she compared the brain activity if 18 to 22 years old who did not use pot, against their marijuana smoking peers.

It then revealed that marijuana can hijack the brain's normal function in teens which can have a permanent effect on their brain development. The researchers was able to conclude that smoking pot increases brain activity while performing a specific task, making the brain exert extra effort in getting a normal job done.

These effects are only applicable to individuals that would opt to SMOKE weed at an early age. It does however has a positive significant effect when ingested [used as an edible, or taken though oil]. Marijuana can be used to aid a child's serious illness such as children coping with epilepsy, cancer, and other serious ailments. Medical marijuana has less side effects making it beneficial in treating young patients.

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