ADHD, according to Kids health, is a common behavioral disorder that affects about 10% of school-age children. They may understand what's expected of them but have trouble following through because they can't sit still, pay attention, or focus on details. They without thinking, are hyperactive, and have trouble focusing. Imagine how hard it would be for parents to handle kids with ADHD. It can be very difficult and disappointing at times. They should put in more effort and skills so as parents they can help their children and family have an easier and happy life. According to Oklahama News, here's how to better handle ADHD diagnosed children:
First, parents should be happy and healthy. Parent's of any child need to be healthy and happy all the time. However, for parents with children who have ADHD, this is even more important. It is very important to get enough rest, exercise as much, eat healthy food and enjoy activities that you love to do. When you know how to take care of yourself, it also follows that you have all the patience and strength to successfully take care of your child. Make sure to take breaks when you feel down and tired. This way you will be able to have enough strength for the upcoming activities. Being positive and active is a good example for the child to follow. This will also ensure that you will be able to deal with frustrations and mentor your child. The child has a disorder, therefore understanding plays a big part especially when giving instructions and letting them follow it. They are also frustrated at themselves when they can't follow you well.
Second, would be structure. Every child needs structure and of course positive reinforcement. However, children with ADHD need it more for them to learn. It is helpful to create a rewards system as well to acknowledge their good behavior as well. When they understand this system and how to achieve these things he or she becomes much more motivated to obtain them. Real-time reward is even more helpful.
Next, exercise, sleep and diet. Exercise is a great way to get some of this energy out. It is the best way to keep up with your child's never ending energy. Exercise is a fun activity you can do with them. This can help and encourage the children to live a positive life and an active one as well. Exercise fights depression and helps you not only have a healthy body but a healthy mind as well.
Lastly, social skills. Children with ADHD too often struggle with social skills that cause them to have difficulty making friends and having good self-esteem.If you need some more tips or help consult your local mental health therapist.